Pentium microprocessors
A 32-bit microprocessor introduced by Intel in 1993. It contains 3.3 million transistors. Since 1993, Intel has developed the Pentium III and more recently the Pentium 4 microprocessors. Pentium III Pentium III Mainboard Layout Intel builds on the technology it developed with the Pentium II microprocessors. The Pentium III processor comes with a Synchronized Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM), allowing for an extremely fast transfer of data between the microprocessor and the memory. 70 new instructions, called Streaming SIMD Extensions, enhance multimedia and 3D performance. Launched February 1999 - Available in speed levels of 450, 500, 550, and 600MHz. 32KB of Level 1 Cache (operating at CPU's full core speed). 512KB of Level 2 Cache (operating at ½ of CPU's core speed). 100 MHz bus speed. The branch prediction/recovery pipeline was doubled to include 10-stages from the P-II. Pentium IV The next generation of microprocessors from Intel. Pe
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